Rex Nebular To activate cheat mode, you must first either start a new game or restore an old game. Next, press the CTRL key and hold it down. While continuing to hold down the CTRL key, type the letters W, I, D, E, P, I, P, E in sequence. When you are finished, a grey box containing the message "Cheating Enabled" should appear (if it does not, try again from the beginning-- you must have missed a key). Once the grey box appears, you can release the CTRL key. Then, press the SPACE bar to clear the message from the screen. You are now in cheat mode! Cheat Mode Options Once you have entered cheat mode, you can teleport yourself to any location in the game. To do this, press the CTRL-T key. A grey box will pop up and ask you where you want to go. Just type in the proper room number and "poof" -- you're there. The tricky part, of course, is finding out the proper room number. If you type in an invalid room number, the game will abort with the error. Here is a list of valid room numbers that you can try: Section 1: (Underwater) Slippery Pig: 101, 102, 103 Underwater: 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 Cave: 110, 111 Section 2: (Island) Island South: 212 Island East: 208, 209, 203 Island West: 207, 211, 210, 205 Island North: 202, 201 Witch Doctor: 214 Twinkles: 215 Section 3: (Underground City -- Medical Complex) Capture Scene: 301 Death Scene: 304 Air vent: 313 Interrogation Room: 318 Player's Cell (before havoc): 307 Player's Cell (after havoc): 357 Guard station (before/after): 311/361 Gender Bender: 316 Intersection (after): 354 Vault room (after): 352 Teleporter room (after): 351 Section 4: (Underground City -- South Annex) Scanner Corridors: 401, 407 Other Corridors: 405, 406 Wanda's Bar: 402 Armory: 408 Storage: 410 Laboratory: 411 Teleporter: 413 Section 5: (Machopolis Lower) Arrive: 501, 551 Security: 503 Software Store/Lab: 506, 507, 508 Restaurant: 511, 512 Elevator: 513 Section 6: (Machopolis Upper) Bruce's Place: 601, 602, 603 Sea Window: 604 Abdul's Auto: 607, 608 Buckluster Video: 609, 610 Hermit: 611 Williams Bypass: 612 Section 7: (Machopolis Rim/Governor's) City Rim "before": 751, 752 City Rim "after": 701, 702 Sea Monster: 703 Bottle: 704 Outside Penthouse: 705 Governor's Penthouse: 706 Section 8: (Space Port) Control Station: 801 Landing Pad One: 802 Landing Pad Two: 803 Inside Ship: 804 You can find out what "room" you are in at any time by pressing CTRL-P. The grey box which appears will tell you the current room number (among other things).